In this year of the Presidential race, the topic of politics is swiftly grabbing the headlines - on the national scene and
sometimes on the state level as well. This page will be used to cover Kentucky government and politics by giving you links
which we hope you might find helpful. But don't expect opinions or predictions!! Registering to vote in Kentucky has
been made even less complicated in recent years, but you must get it done by 28 days before the general election. If you have
a friend registering for the first time, instructions are in the link below.
Registering to Vote in Kentucky
Keeping Up with the Candidates and the News
Below are some web sites which we think you might find helpful as you try to keep up with political events this year. Find
out who is ahead; see what issues are hot and get a chance to express your personal opinion.
Try Roll Call for news of what is happening in Congress, editorials and commentary
CNN news channel's site on politics
National Journal, an online magazine about politics